Dr. Paul Nelson
President of Grace Bible University
Paul S. Nelson received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Arizona State University in 1982. He has authored numerous scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, and is the inventor of eight US patents. He is founder and President of Nelson Biotechnologies, a small biotech company located in Flagstaff, AZ. In 2003, after Dr. Nelson fulfilled requirements for a Master of Theology, he was ordained to the gospel ministry by Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley where he served 20 years as co-pastor. He lectured at the Pacific Institute for Religious Studies in Apologetics, and has written two books entitled, “The Song of the Suffering Servant” and “Presuppositionalism: A Biblical Approach to Apologetics.” Currently, Paul is the president of Grace Bible University and involved in numerous missionary efforts with FirstLove Ministries. He has been married for over 45 years, the father of three children, and grandfather of five.