Paul Nelson


Dr. Paul Nelson

President of Grace Bible University

Paul S. Nelson received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Arizona State University in 1982. He has authored numerous scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, and is the inventor of eight US patents. He is founder and President of Nelson Biotechnologies, a small biotech company located in Flagstaff, AZ. In 2003, after Dr. Nelson fulfilled requirements for a Master of Theology, he was ordained to the gospel ministry by Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley where he served 20 years as co-pastor. He lectured at the Pacific Institute for Religious Studies in Apologetics, and has written two books entitled, “The Song of the Suffering Servant” and “Presuppositionalism: A Biblical Approach to Apologetics.” Currently, Paul is the president of Grace Bible University and involved in numerous missionary efforts with FirstLove Ministries. He has been married for over 45 years, the father of three children, and grandfather of five.

Mission Trips

Philippines Missions Trip – April 2024

For this year's mission work in the Philippines, the FirstLove team traveled to Baguio City and ministered in the surrounding mountain region from April 19 -28. During this time, the team would hold four conferences at local churches with the theme of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) - The Bible As Our Foundation. The team would also be engaged in proclaiming God's truth on live radio, issuing the first year certificates to Grace Bible University students, proclaiming the gospel at a local gathering of municipal workers, and ministering God's Word at several local churches. Approximately 1000 books in total were distributed to the conference attendees.
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The Person & Work of The Holy Spirit – 2024 Conference Report

This past February 23-25, 2023, many of the friends and partners of FirstLove Ministries who gathered last year at the Inaugural FirstLove Bible Conference, hosted by FBC Bagdad, came together again for the 2nd Annual FirstLove Bible Conference, with the theme: The Person & Work of The Holy Spirit.
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Mission Trip to Nepal – December 2023

Our missionary trip to Nepal in early December was truly blessed of God and bore much needed fruit. We arrived in the city of Chitwan on Friday (Dec. 1) and checked into the Rhino Hotel where wild rhinoceroses and elephants daily visited the premises. On Saturday we were dispatched to preach at various local churches […]
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Examining the New Birth – 2023 Conference Report

This year’s conference addressed the doctrine of regeneration, commonly referred to as "The New Birth.” Biblical Christians for millennia have asked of their families, friends, neighbors, and perfect strangers the all searching question, “are you Born Again?” In our day, though the phrase, “born again Christian” has become common place, and not given a second thought. We fear that this phraseology, or the doctrine of regeneration, has been absentmindedly set aside so that it doesn’t have the weight and meaning it once did....
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2022 Nepal Mission Report

The 7th Reformed Baptist Minister’s Conference was held on November 14-17 in Pokhara, Nepal. The conference was attended by 200 pastors, most were from various regions of Nepal, but some came from neighboring countries such as India and Bhutan. Many came from long distances on bad roads and buses; one pastor had indicated that he […]
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Reformed Baptist Minister’s Conference – Pokhara, Nepal

On November 14-17, the Reformed Baptist Minister’s Conference 2022 will be held in Pokhara, Nepal. Paul Nelson, Edward Dalcour, and John Waldrip will be traveling to Nepal and speaking at the conference. FirstLove is sponsoring the printing of two books, Holiness (J. C. Ryle) and Body of Divinity (Thomas Watson). These books have been translated […]
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