51 New Students In Grace Bible University
Our missionary trip to Nepal in early December was truly blessed of God and bore much needed fruit. We arrived in the city of Chitwan on Friday (Dec. 1) and checked into the Rhino Hotel where wild rhinoceroses and elephants daily visited the premises. On Saturday we were dispatched to preach at various local churches in the area for their worship services. The Reformed Baptist Ministers Conference began on Sunday. The conference was hosted by Pastor Bir at Agape Baptist Church and attended by 150 pastors from various regions of Nepal, Bhutan and India; there was a total attendance of about 250.

Four FirstLove delegates preached for four consecutive days on several important biblical subjects. All messages had to be translated into the Nepali language. Dr. Edward Dalcour preached on Christology, Christ alone, and justification. Dr. Paul Nelson preached on God’s glory, unconditional election, half-hearted commitment to Christ, and pastoral theology. Dr. John Waldrip preached from Psalm 24 focusing on the fear of God and a reverential attitude in worship. Pastor Joe Jacowitz delivered multiple messages on the importance of sanctification for the pastor. The attendees were receptive to the messages, and very attentive in listening and taking copious notes. It was our purpose and goal to help train and equip these men in sound doctrine and for the pastoral ministry. At the end of each day, there was a Q&A period of discussion. We found that this was an excellent opportunity to discuss many different doctrines and false doctrines as well–it was very profitable to the audience and used of God.

Our missionary team was assisted by three helpers: Drs. Tom Howell, Mimi Liu, and Ming Woo. Mimi conducted bible studies with the women; Tom and Ming gave their testimonies at the conference. Overall, it was a blessed time for fellowship and a great opportunity to minister to the pastors. Dr. Samuel Rai said, “Our people were greatly blessed by this conference.” Please pray that the Word of God preached at this conference will not return void (Isa. 55:11).
The conference messages were not limited to just the attendees present, they were recorded and streamed on YouTube. Samuel Rai told us that it reached thousands in Nepal. Numerous theological books were translated into Nepali and distributed at the conference: Holiness (J. C. Ryle), Body of Divinity (Thomas Watson), Presuppositional Apologetics (Paul Nelson) and others. How wonderful it was to see such joy on the faces of the attending pastors as they received their bag of theological books. Because of extreme poverty, books are extremely rare, and one book can cost as much as a month’s salary.

At the end of the conference, an “inauguration” ceremony was given for 51 new students to begin studies with Grace Bible University. Each student was given material for their first course: a copy of A Catechism on Biblical Doctrine (W. R. Downing) along with its student Study Guide. Dr. Rai will help mentor these students as they mature in their biblical studies. Please pray for grace and diligence to be given to the students; to present themselves to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15).

FirstLove also participated in the graduation ceremony of the Deborah Bible Training Center. Seventeen young ladies were given certificates of graduation for completing 6 months of biblical studies, first aid training, and sewing machine competency. Each of the young ladies were given a brand-new sewing machine to help them make a living and become self-sufficient in their own villages.
Finally, FirstLove initiated the specific training of two indigenous missionaries. One will be assisting Samuel Rai in Pokhara and eastern Nepal. The other, Tek Gurung, will be doing the Lord’s work in Nagaland, India where we will be involved in church planting. These two missionary trainees will be supervised and accountable to Dr. Rai. After one year of training and evaluation, if approved, these men will formally be set apart for the work. Please pray for the needed funds to support these men. Please pray that the gospel and the cause of Christ would spread throughout Nepal, and that God would extend his Kingdom in this region of the world. Pray for revival.