Austin Huggins
Executive Vice President
Austin Huggins serves as the Executive Vice President, FirstLove Ministries. Austin Huggins was saved shortly after serving in the U.S. Navy as a sonarman aboard nuclear submarines. The Lord Jesus Christ powerfully rescued this veteran from a broken life of sin and death. Today, By God’s redeeming grace, He serves his local church as an elder of Mt. Zion Bible Church, Pensacola, Florida, where he oversees the ministries of Chapel Library, Mount Zion Bible Institute, and Spurgeon Gems. Pastor Austin is actively involved in mission work in Africa and around the globe. He is married to Britney and they are blessed with three boys and two girls.
Mission Trips
FirstLove Missions Update from Nigeria
By FirstLove Missions | | Missions, Nigeria, Updates
God continues to do great things in Lagos and surrounding towns and villages in Nigeria. The FirstLove Ministries mission team was greatly blessed over the ten days of ministry to see the growth of the church, church plants in Lekki, Ipaja and Abeokuta, and the hunger for gospel truth.
Read More Philippines Missions Trip – April 2024
By FirstLove Missions | | Missions, Philippines, Updates
For this year's mission work in the Philippines, the FirstLove team traveled to Baguio City and ministered in the surrounding mountain region from April 19 -28. During this time, the team would hold four conferences at local churches with the theme of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) - The Bible As Our Foundation. The team would also be engaged in proclaiming God's truth on live radio, issuing the first year certificates to Grace Bible University students, proclaiming the gospel at a local gathering of municipal workers, and ministering God's Word at several local churches. Approximately 1000 books in total were distributed to the conference attendees.
Read More The Person & Work of The Holy Spirit – 2024 Conference Report
By Austin Huggins | | Missions, United States, Updates
This past February 23-25, 2023, many of the friends and partners of FirstLove Ministries who gathered last year at the Inaugural FirstLove Bible Conference, hosted by FBC Bagdad, came together again for the 2nd Annual FirstLove Bible Conference, with the theme: The Person & Work of The Holy Spirit.
Read More 2023 November Mission & Conference Report
By FirstLove Missions | | Missions, Nigeria, Updates
God has been gracious to us as we traveled and ministered alongside the leadership and members of Sovereign Grace Bible Church (SGBC) in Lagos, Nigeria this past week. The FirstLove team Joe Jacowitz, Austin Huggins, and Tom Smith arrived safely in Lagos on Tuesday morning, Oct 31. We were picked up by the brothers of the church and […]
Read More 2023 Mid-Year Full Mission Report
By Austin Huggins | | Missions, Nigeria, Updates
NOTE: Due to the high detail density of the mid-year mission events, and the singular perspective provided by Austin Huggins, the following report reads as a personal journal entry style report. By The Lord’s miraculous and unexpected financial provision through an unknown saint, I was able to board the plane, Wednesday afternoon, for what was […]
Read More Examining the New Birth – 2023 Conference Report
By Austin Huggins | | Missions, United States, Updates
This year’s conference addressed the doctrine of regeneration, commonly referred to as "The New Birth.” Biblical Christians for millennia have asked of their families, friends, neighbors, and perfect strangers the all searching question, “are you Born Again?” In our day, though the phrase, “born again Christian” has become common place, and not given a second thought. We fear that this phraseology, or the doctrine of regeneration, has been absentmindedly set aside so that it doesn’t have the weight and meaning it once did....
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