The Soul Winner


The Soul Winner


The Soul Winner
By Robert Jones

Every true Christian is an ambassador for Christ, and witnesses to others with all authority that is in heaven and in earth, for that authority is Christ’s. Furthermore, the gospel given to the Christian to proclaim is the power of God to salvation unto sinners, and the scriptures which set forth the gospel are living and powerful. The Soul Winner by Robert Jones will equip and motivate you to win souls for Christ for “And he who wins souls is wise” (Prov. 11:30).

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The Soul Winner
By Robert Jones

Every true Christian is an ambassador for Christ, and witnesses to others with all authority that is in heaven and in earth, for that authority is Christ’s. Furthermore, the gospel given to the Christian to proclaim is the power of God to salvation unto sinners, and the scriptures which set forth the gospel are living and powerful. The Soul Winner by Robert Jones will equip and motivate you to win souls for Christ for “And he who wins souls is wise” (Prov. 11:30).

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