Personal Revival: Finding the Way of Holiness: A Study of Psalm 138 and Isaiah 12


Personal Revival: Finding the Way of Holiness: A Study of Psalm 138 and Isaiah 12


Some portions of Scripture seem particularly adapted to the soul-seeking revival and deserve to be the repeated subjects of meditation. Two such are Psalm 138 and Isaiah 12. Both are short chapters filled with food for faith, and with strong encouragements to victory in daily living, for the soul cannot prosper for a day without a renewing and reviving work.

Each of these short chapters is written with the prayer that the light of the Scriptures in these two chapters will reveal Christ to the heart of the reader, and will serve to revive him in daily pursuing the way called, “The way of holiness,” which also is the highway to heaven (Isa. 35:8).

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Some portions of Scripture seem particularly adapted to the soul-seeking revival and deserve to be the repeated subjects of meditation. Two such are Psalm 138 and Isaiah 12. Both are short chapters filled with food for faith, and with strong encouragements to victory in daily living, for the soul cannot prosper for a day without a renewing and reviving work.

Each of these short chapters is written with the prayer that the light of the Scriptures in these two chapters will reveal Christ to the heart of the reader, and will serve to revive him in daily pursuing the way called, “The way of holiness,” which also is the highway to heaven (Isa. 35:8).

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