New Testament Missionary
A Biblical Study of Missions
By Cliff Hellar
Cliff and Martie Hellar had been missionaries to Papua New Guinea for over 45 years, having launched out in obedience to the missionary call upon Biblical principles. They learned the language, preached, witnessed, discipled, evangelized, studied, translated, trained, supplicated, interceded, shepherded, waited, planted, and watered over those many years. The results were that many trusted in Christ as Lord and Savior, numerous churches were established, and the Scriptures were translated into the native vernacular.
The subtitle, A Biblical Study of New Testament Missions, does not suggest that you are reading a textbook. On the contrary, the truths contained herein must be prayed over rather than simply memorized. Despite there being comparatively few books on
missions that strike the balance of the doctrinal, practical, and experiential, without embellishing the content to present a more
polished product, Cliff’s book seems to hit that rare balance. To the pastor and believer, though you may not be called to the foreign mission field, there is nevertheless much material herein that will benefit you in evangelistic work. I commend it highly with the hope that a harvest of souls will be reaped in your ministry from the application of its truths in your life.