The World (Digital)

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The World (Digital)


The World
By JC Ryle

In a day like this I think it is good to raise a warning
voice and bring attention to the teaching of God’s
Word. It is written in that Word, “Come out from
among them and be separate.” There are four points
which I will try to show my readers, in examining this
vital subject.
• First, the world is a source of great danger to the soul
• Second, what is not meant by separation from
the world.
• Third, what real separation from the world consists.
• Fourth, the secret of victory over the world.
There must be a difference between believers and
unbelievers. To you, therefore, I make a special appeal this
day. While many avoid the subject of separation from the
world, and many absolutely hate it, and many are puzzled
by it, give me your attention while I try to show you this

By J.C. Ryle

Avoiding worldliness is of vital importance to the Christian. It declares the inescapable duty to be separate from the world. This is the point which the Apostle Paul had in view when he wrote to the Corinthians, “Come out from among them and be separate.” This article is concise, comprehensive, and insightful in challenging the Christian to be chaste and holy in an unholy world.

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