Trinity & Triunity
Salvation and the Nature of the Godhead
By E. Charles Heinze
No doctrine in the Christian faith has challenged the intellect and belief of man more than the doctrine of the Trinity—that the eternal Godhead consists in three divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Since it describes the Infinite God, this doctrine cannot be reduced to the scope of man’s finite mind. Nevertheless, since all truth is reasonable, the doctrine of the Trinity is reasonable. Analogies between the triune Creator and common aspects of creation will be used to demonstrate its reasonableness. However, this book is not an attempt to convince the reader of the truth of the doctrine of the Trinity; it is assumed that most readers already hold this belief. Rather, its purpose is to present the triune nature of the Godhead as the basis for understanding God’s spiritual work in salvation.
Trinity & Triunity Salvation and the Nature of the Godhead
Trinity & Triunity Salvation and the Nature of the Godhead
Trinity & Triunity
Salvation and the Nature of the Godhead
By E. Charles Heinze
No doctrine in the Christian faith has challenged the intellect and belief of man more than the doctrine of the Trinity—that the eternal Godhead consists in three divine Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Since it describes the Infinite God, this doctrine cannot be reduced to the scope of man’s finite mind. Nevertheless, since all truth is reasonable, the doctrine of the Trinity is reasonable. Analogies between the triune Creator and common aspects of creation will be used to demonstrate its reasonableness. However, this book is not an attempt to convince the reader of the truth of the doctrine of the Trinity; it is assumed that most readers already hold this belief. Rather, its purpose is to present the triune nature of the Godhead as the basis for understanding God’s spiritual work in salvation.
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