Seven Deadly Sins

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Seven Deadly Sins


Seven Deadly Sins
By Stanford E. Murrell

From the pen of wise King Solomon, the ancient ruler of Israel, we learn that there are six sins particularly displeasing to God, with a seventh being an abomination unto Him. Seven Deadly Sins explores the teaching of Proverbs 6:16-19 and details the destructive nature of these particular sins and why Christians are to avoid these “deadly” transgressions at all costs.

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Seven Deadly Sins
By Stanford E. Murrell

From the pen of wise King Solomon, the ancient ruler of Israel, we learn that there are six sins particularly displeasing to God, with a seventh being an abomination unto Him. Seven Deadly Sins explores the teaching of Proverbs 6:16-19 and details the destructive nature of these particular sins and why Christians are to avoid these “deadly” transgressions at all costs.

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