Presuppositionalism: A Biblical Approach to Apologetics

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Presuppositionalism: A Biblical Approach to Apologetics


Presuppositionalism: A Biblical Approach to Apologetics

By Paul S. Nelson

“In presuppositional apologetics, God and his word are presupposed to be absolute and ultimate. This is the first and over- shadowing presupposition for a truly biblical approach to apologetics. There is no higher authority for man in knowledge and reasoning. God is absolute and his revelation comes to man with absolute authority; it is the inspired, infallible, inerrant, and all-sufficient word of God. God’s word is absolute because God is its author, and therefore, it is the final criterion and standard for all truth and knowledge.”

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Presuppositionalism: A Biblical Approach to Apologetics

By Paul S. Nelson

“In presuppositional apologetics, God and his word are presupposed to be absolute and ultimate. This is the first and over- shadowing presupposition for a truly biblical approach to apologetics. There is no higher authority for man in knowledge and reasoning. God is absolute and his revelation comes to man with absolute authority; it is the inspired, infallible, inerrant, and all-sufficient word of God. God’s word is absolute because God is its author, and therefore, it is the final criterion and standard for all truth and knowledge.”

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