February 20-22, 2025 | First Baptist Church of Bagdad - Florida

2025 FirstLove Conference

2025 FirstLove Conference

Recovering The Identity of The Church

Have we lost our identity as the church in our land? Is what we find in the scriptures still true about how we are living and the way we carry on in the name of Christianity today? What defines how and what a church essentially is? What is the mission? What is the goal? …What is the Church?
Please join us February 20-22nd at First Baptist Church of Bagdad, FL as we aim to peer into the scripture concerning these matters that define our very existence. You are invited to gather together with believers from around the country for our Third Annual Bible Conference as we examine what has been written, and aim to go about “Recovering The Identity of The Church.”

We hope that you will be able to make it to our FREE conference at First Baptist Church of Bagdad in Milton, FL, as we examine the Person & Work of the Holy Spirit.

Conference Registration is Free

Books & Literature Included with Registration



Dr. Edward Dalcour

President of Department of Christian Defense


Dr. Paul Nelson

President, Grace Bible University


Joe Jacowitz

Founder, FirstLove Ministries

Pastor Austin Huggins 2

Austin Huggins

Pastor at Mount Zion Bible Church (Chapel Library)


Tom Smith

President, FirstLove Ministries


Joshua Wallnofer

Pastor at Klondike Church of Pensacola


Jeff Pollard

Pastor of Mount Zion Bible Church (Chapel Library)


Frank Maxson

Veteran Missionary to Malawi

Conference Registration is Free

Books & Literature Included with Registration


Edward L. Dalcour is the President and Director of the Department of Christian Defense, an educational and apologetic ministry. He is a Mentor at Greenwich School of Theology and serves as Vice President of Grace Bible University. 

Dr. Dalcour holds a Master of Apologetics from Columbia Evangelical Seminary and a Ph.D. in Theology from North-West University. He is a published author of several apologetic and theological books.

Paul S. Nelson received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Arizona State University in 1982. He has authored numerous scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, and is the inventor of eight US patents. He is founder and President of Nelson Biotechnologies, a small biotech company located in Flagstaff, AZ. In 2003, after Dr. Nelson fulfilled requirements for a Master of Theology, he was ordained to the gospel ministry by Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley where he served 20 years as co-pastor.

He lectured at the Pacific Institute for Religious Studies in Apologetics, and has written two books entitled, “The Song of the Suffering Servant” and “Presuppositionalism: A Biblical Approach to Apologetics.” Currently, Paul is the president of Grace Bible University and involved in numerous missionary efforts with FirstLove Ministries. He has been married for over 45 years, the father of three children, and grandfather of five.

Joseph Jacowitz is the founder of FirstLove Ministries. He recently promoted Tom Smith to the position of President and has taken on the role of The President of The Board of Directors. He has been the pastor of Christ Bible Church, Pleasanton, CA, since 1990. He has a Bachelor's degree in Pastoral Theology. He and his wife Sherry have been married since 1978 and have five children and eight grandchildren.

Austin Huggins serves as an elder at Mount Zion Bible Church in Pensacola, Florida where he oversees the ministry of Chapel Library. He is also currently serving as Vice President of FirstLove Ministries and is actively involved in mission work in Africa and around the globe. He is married to Britney and their union is blessed with three boys and two girls

Tom Smith was raised in New Jersey and came to Christ as a teenager in 1972 through a youth ministry at a church his family attended. He came to understand the Doctrines of Grace through studying God’s word and sermons by Pastor Al Martin. Tom has several years’ experience as a pastor. He is currently a member of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church in Warrenton, Virginia. He and his wife Margaret have four children and six grandchildren. Tom recently assumed the role of President of FirstLove Ministries. His gifts are in teaching, counseling and administration.

Jeff Pollard In the early 80s, the Lord Jesus Christ converted Jeff from his career in rock music. Though religious from his youth, his true conversion to Christ at age thirty brought him to understand and then to preach the glories of Christ and God’s sovereign grace. The Holy Spirit and God’s Word awakened Jeff to his responsibilities as a husband, father, and Christian man, and finally led him into pastoral ministry. He edits the Free Grace Broadcaster and other titles for Chapel Library, and authored Do You Know Jesus Christ? and Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America.

Joshua M. Wallnofer is a graduate of Cairn University and Tyndale Theological Seminary, and is currently a doctoral candidate in Theology and Apologetics at Liberty University.  He has been in ministry since 2000, and served as Pastor at Klondike Church of Pensacola since 2004. He serves on the board of Creation Today and Pro Rege Classical Academy, and has had the privilege to teach theology classes yearly for Instituto Bíblico Reformado Nueva Providencia, Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano, and Samford University, and The Leadership Pipeline. He is blessed to be married to his wife, Melissa, and the father of two teenagers.

Frank Maxson spent 16 years as a missionary in the African context. He spent 2 years in Zambia, and 14 years in Malawi, where he participated in the planting of several churches. Today he serves as a faithful member of Mount Zion Bible Church and leads the church's outreach at The Waterfront Rescue Mission.



First Baptist Church of Bagdad

4529 Forsyth St.
Milton, FL 32583

Conference Registration is Free

Books & Literature Included with Registration


Thursday, February 20th, 2025

4:30 pm


5:30 pm

Welcome & Announcements

6:00 pm

Session 1 – The Temple of the Lord

presented by Joe Jacowitz

7:00 pm

Special Discussion Panel

Friday, February 21st, 2025

12:00 pm

Pastors' Intensive, Ministry Partner Discussions & Q&A

Coffee and light lunch provided 

2:00 pm


3:00 pm

Welcome & Announcements

3:30 pm

Session 2 – The People of the Scriptures

presented by: Dr. Edward Dalcour

4:30 pm

Breakout Sessions

Officers of the Church – TBD

Importance of Church Membership – Tom Smith

Why a Confessional Church?– TBD

5:30 pm

Coffee Break

6:00 pm

Session 3 – The Family of God

presented by: TBD

7:00 pm

Q&A Panel

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

8:00 am

Late Registration

Coffee and light snacks

8:30 am


9:00 am

Session 4 – A City Set on a Hill

presented by Austin Huggins

10:00 am

Breakout Sessions

Church's Role in World Missions - Frank Maxson

Church's Relationship to the State -TBD

Satan's Attacks against the Church - Jeff Pollard

11:00 am

Coffee Break

11:20 am

Session 5- Recovering the Church from the Rubble of Culture-

presented by TBD

12:00 pm


Food Trucks

2:00 pm

Ministry Update Panel

3:00 pm

Session 6- The Head of the Church

presented by Jeff Pollard

4:00 pm

Q&A Panel

5:00 pm

Closing Address & Distribution of Books

Conference Registration is Free

Books & Literature Included with Registration



Best Western – Milton Inn

8936 Highway 87 S
Milton, FL 32583
Phone: 850-623-1511

*10 room block reserved at discounted rate. Mention Group "FIRSTLOVE MINISTRIES”


Holiday Inn Express & Suites

8510 Keshav Taylor Dr
Milton, FL 32583

Phone: 850-626-9060


Milton KOA (Cabins)

8700 Gulf Pines Dr
Milton, FL 32583

Phone: 850-623-0808


Splash Rv Resort & Waterpark (Cabins)

8500 Welcome Church Rd
Milton, FL 32583

Phone: 850-626-8500

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